Webzash is built using PHP + CakePHP (PHP Framework) + MySQL and is licensed under MIT License.
All your contributions to Webzash has to be under the same 'MIT License' to be accepted by us.
Webzash is developed as a standalone CakePHP plugin and uses Git for source control. To setup your development environment you need to do the following steps :
Step 1. Download CakePHP version 2.5.6 from the below link
Step 2. Extract CakePHP into your web server directory and rename the folder to "webzash"
Step 3. Edit the app/Config/core.php file and change the following lines
Configure::write('Security.salt', 'IMPORTANT_CHANGE_THIS_VALUE');
Configure::write('Security.cipherSeed', 'IMPORTANT_CHANGE_THIS_VALUE');
Note : Please change the above security salts before changing your password or creating any new user.
Step 4. Edit the app/Config/bootstrap.php file and add the following lines
CakePlugin::load('Webzash', array('routes' => true, 'bootstrap' => true));
Step 5. Edit the app/Config/routes.php file and comment out the default route on line no. 27 by prepending two forward slashes as shown below
Step 6. Copy the app/Config/database.php.default file to app/Config/database.php
Step 7. Install BoostCake plugin
Step 8. Install Webzash plugin
Thats it ! You are done :)
The full source code for Webzash is in the app/Plugin/Webzash folder.